Valuable Real-Time Insights on How to Create a Successful Podcast

I have a confession: I'm totally hooked on podcasts. Whenever I'm getting ready, driving, or working out, I've always got one playing. I love listening to other experts and found so much value in their content that I finally gave in to my urge to start my own podcast: Into The Wild!

I launched my podcast in 2020, and thanks to you all, it’s been a total hit! It has been in the top 8% IN THE WORLD(!) and even made it to the top 100 for entrepreneurship in Canada and other places last 2021.

It may seem like an overnight success, but this podcast took a LOT of work. Believe me; there were days I felt like giving up. But thanks to my awesome team and listeners, we made it a success!

Are you dreaming of creating a successful podcast? Well, you're in luck because I've got some valuable real-time insights to help you make it a hit!

The Key Element to Consider When Creating a Podcast

Creating a hit podcast involves more than recording your voice and hitting upload. To get people listening, you’ll need to understand what makes a show stand out. 

The most crucial thing to hone in on your audience. Who is your podcast for? Who are they, what do they do, and, most importantly, what problem can you solve for them? This becomes your foundation for a great show.

The best way to answer these is to define your listener persona. This could be a real or an imaginary person who loves your podcast. This is similar to defining your ideal customer. Once you have a good picture of them, use that to create episodes that resonate with their needs, interests, and values.

The Best Ways to Promote and Market a Podcast to Grow Its Audience

Promoting and marketing your podcast is just as important as making it.

To get your podcast out there, create a podcast launch crew when launching. These are raving fans willing to help you spread the word about your new show. They’re invited to email their connections, share on social media, promote every episode in the first two weeks, and write a review.

I did this when launching Into The Wild, and it helped me get that initial bump in downloads.

Creating Engaging Content That Keeps Listeners Coming Back for More

No need to worry about growing your audience from scratch. Your potential new listeners won’t actually care, even if they’ve never heard of you. What matters is that you give them a good reason to listen to your show AND keep them hooked so they’ll come back for more.

For Into The Wild, I use an interview format to bring value-packed content. I survey my audience for the content they need, then invite expert guests with the right experience and voice to share their knowledge. I also make sure the content is relevant and covers specific facets of my audience’s needs.

But that’s not all—I also go back to my “why” to stay motivated. My “why” is my mission to help over one million women start the business of their dreams. I believe that we need more women in positions of power, and that’s what keeps me inspired to create new episodes, provide value, and encourage my listeners to become something extraordinary.
(By the way, you can check out “Why I Went Wild: and launched this damn thing!” where I tell you all about it!)

The Right Equipment You Need to Create a High-Quality Podcast

Podcasting is all about production quality. This means you absolutely need good audio quality—it’s the most important thing when it comes to podcasting.

You don’t need fancy equipment right away. When I started, I just used wired earbuds and recorded in a closet! 

I recommend you start with these:

  • A mic - Avoid Bluetooth and built-in mics on your phone, camera, or computer since they distort sound or pick up the background noise. Opt for USB mics instead since they’re beginner-friendly, work easily with computers, and offer professional-quality sound. I use a Shure mic.

  • Headphones or earbuds - These serve as an audio monitor to check your audio quality as you record.

  • Recording or editing software - There’s a ton of software to help clean up your audio or remove awkward pauses. You can start with a simple one and upgrade as you gain more experience. I use Riverside to record the episodes.

  • Soundproof room - Your audio will sound terrible if you record in a poor-quality room, even if you have the best podcast equipment and setup. So, start with a soundproof room. If you don’t have one, a closet will work just fine. I use soundproof tiles to help with the echo.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Podcast

A lot of newbie podcasters make the common mistake of doing or being everything for everyone. Remember, “If you’re appealing to everyone, you’re appealing to no one.” 

Give people a good reason to keep tuning in. And to do this, go back to your target audience and think as they do. What do they need? How can you help them? What burning questions do they have?

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid being inconsistent. If you tell people you’ll release new episodes twice a week, stick to it. Consistency is key to building a steady following, so design a podcast schedule that works for you.

Finally, avoid giving up too soon. Podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve released over 150 episodes, and it’s only now that I’m seeing some growth. Give your podcast some time to grow its audience. It won't happen overnight, but you'll get there if you keep at it!

How Do You Measure the Success of a Podcast, and What Metrics Should You Be Tracking

When launching, it’s not enough to put out episodes, promote, and call it a day. You need to track how well your podcast is doing by looking at the data.

To measure the success of Into The Wild, I keep an eye on a few things:

  • The traffic to my website and sales

  • The number of downloads per episode

  • How often people share my content on social media

  • Podcast reviews, listener scores, and global rank

Start tracking these metrics for your show. This will give you a more accurate idea of your podcast's performance.

There’s no foolproof formula for creating a chart-topping podcast. The good news is you can grow your show by understanding your audience, staying consistent, promoting and marketing, and tracking your progress. I can’t promise you’ll become an overnight sensation, but with persistence and dedication, you can make your podcast a success!


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