How to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur When You're Stuck and Anxious

Being an entrepreneur means facing challenges like financial hurdles, the risk of burning out, and sometimes feeling lost or not knowing who to ask for help. It's no wonder entrepreneurs often feel more stress and worry than other workers.

The entrepreneurial rollercoaster can be full of unexpected twists and turns, and feeling stuck or anxious is normal. This is where motivation comes in—the driving force helps you stay on track and persevere through tough times.

If you're struggling with self-doubt or fear, welcome. We all experience it, it’s complete sh*t, but it’s part of the entrepreneurship journey. Below are some tips to help you stay motivated as an entrepreneur:

Set Specific Goals

Feeling stagnant often comes from not knowing where you’re headed. On the bright side, there’s a great way to tackle this: set SMART goals…I know you know this, but I want to remind you that most think they know what they’re doing when setting these goals, but most fail at it, which is why you’re likely reading this blog post. The best part – how easy it is to get started, just write them down. Writing them down increases your chances of success by 42%!

To set goals, start by determining what you want to achieve long-term. Then, break it down into smaller steps to work on each week.

Weekly planning can help with this by giving an overview of your tasks and priorities. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to see your progress, which can boost your motivation.

Related: The Morning Practice Planner for ultimate daily productivity.

Celebrate Successes

Being an entrepreneur can get lonely and isolating. Sometimes, there’s no one to pat you on the back for a well-done job. And with a busy schedule, you can forget to honor your wins.

But here’s the thing: celebrating your successes, no matter how big or small, is important because it’s a reminder of how far you've come. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it shows appreciation for your hard work. Something as simple as taking the day off to recharge or treating yourself to your favorite meal works just fine.

Create a Positive Environment

Your work environment can affect your well-being more than you might realize. As entrepreneur and self-help author Steve Pavlina once said, "Your environment will eat your goals and plans for breakfast." 

Let me tell you a story that shows how true this is. My husband and I often spend our winters in San Diego, and I clearly recall one year we rented a place without a home office. This meant I had to walk to a chilly coffee shop at 5 am every day just to join a team call. The time zone difference was four hours, so it was too early for me.

And to make things worse, the coffee shop was cold, noisy, and packed. It was almost impossible to concentrate! It took me a whole month to finally switch the meetings to a later time and find a co-working space, but it was totally worth it. The new environment and routine change were game-changers for me.

Your surroundings can greatly influence your focus, productivity, and well-being, so prioritize creating a positive work environment that supports your goals and keeps you motivated. You can do this by decluttering and organizing your workspace, surrounding yourself with positive people, and taking regular breaks.

Surround Yourself With Supportive People

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Who you spend the most time with is who you eventually become.” This is why you should surround yourself with people who believe in you and your vision, celebrate your wins with you, and help you stay motivated.

Remember, it’s never the quantity but the quality of people in your life that will determine your success. Your friends and family should cheer you on when you’re winning and hold your hand to embrace your falls. 

This also applies to your team members, business partners, and clients/customers. You want people with a positive mindset who will inspire you to be your best self. If someone falls outside that description, it’s time to have a tough conversation. Be nice but direct—you can’t let negative people steal your good energy.

Finding a supportive circle may be challenging, but you can start by joining a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, seeking mentors, or connecting with people on social media who share your interests or goals. This way, you'll be well on your way to success.

Take Breaks and Rest

Chasing success could mean working long hours and neglecting rest. Many entrepreneurs believe that time is money, which is probably why they work 52 hours a week. Unfortunately, this can lead to burnout, especially in a culture that idolizes hard work.

The truth is, taking breaks and resting isn't a luxury—it's actually vital for success.  Recharging and relaxing can boost your creativity, improve your overall work quality, and help reduce anxiety symptoms. You can’t build muscle without rest. Rest = repair and that’s how a muscle grows.

Start taking your well-deserved rest about every 52 minutes, then schedule longer breaks throughout the day. Also, make sure you get enough sleep each night. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for achieving long-term success.

Stay Accountable

Feeling stuck or anxious about your progress is common, especially when you’re overwhelmed or unsure where to focus your time. That’s where accountability can help. 

Building a support system gives you the guidance and encouragement you need. Plus, you can track your progress and celebrate your milestones with your accountability group or partners.

A great way to stay accountable is to create an accountability group with a few trusted colleagues or just one other person. I've actually been doing this with one other woman. Every other Friday, we hop on a call and set an agenda. We make sure to have specific goals we want to achieve within a limited time frame and hold each other accountable for winning.

Learn from Failure

Failure is scary, but it can be a valuable opportunity for growth and even a prerequisite for success. However, it works to your advantage only if you learn from it.

The key to learning from failure is to avoid dwelling on it. Instead, reflect on what went wrong and how to improve. Try also to embrace a growth mindset and be open to feedback.

As an entrepreneur, you will face risks and failures. But remember that failure isn’t the end, so keep trying and learn from your experiences.

Find Inspiration

Feeling inspired is key to staying motivated. When you’re inspired, you’re more likely to come up with innovative ideas and spring into action to pursue your goals.

Inspiration might not be easy to find, but it can come from anywhere, so take the time to explore. For example, you can read books or listen to podcasts about successful entrepreneurs. Attending conferences or seeking coaching from someone you admire can also help. Even following inspiring social media accounts can impact your mindset.

It’s normal to feel stuck or anxious as an entrepreneur, but there are ways to help you stay motivated. You can set clear goals, celebrate wins, create a positive work environment, surround yourself with supportive people, take breaks, build an accountability group, learn from failures, and seek inspiration.

Building a successful business can be tough. Thankfully, following these tips and having the right mindset and focus can help you stay motivated, focus on your goals, and progress toward achieving them.


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