#48. Taking Control of Your Financial Health with Shaa Wasmund

“We all have to start to take radical responsibility for our own financial wellbeing. This is not something you should leave to chance or to somebody else.”

- Shaa Wasmund

SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify | Download | Duration: 52:05

Hey you wild women!

Shaa Wasmund, MBE, is the author of the number one bestsellers 1) How To Fix Your Sh*t 2) Do Less, Get More and 3)  Stop Talking, Start Doing. She has been a lifelong supporter of encouraging more women into business. In 2015, she received an MBE for her services to business and entrepreneurship. She was recently named one of the Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs in the UK by the Sunday Times. Today she runs one of the biggest and most active business Facebook Groups in the UK, The Freedom Collective, and has built a multi-million-pound online business from her back garden...and I have even seen it myself!  She once accidentally ran a 12-hour live launch. haha!

Over the last five years Shaa has completely revolutionized how she works, and today she is proudly able to take seventeen weeks' holiday a year.…albeit not all in the Maldives or Marrakesh! 

She inspires positive action with her no-nonsense, no-excuse advice and has made it her mission to help as many women as possible to create a life and business on their terms.

In this episode you will learn about:

  • What Shaa’s MBE means and why she received it

  • How entrepreneurship creates social mobility

  • How seeking validation turned into Shaa’s biggest pain point in business

  • Shaa’s experience as a female boxing manager

  • How she sabotaged her career by seeking validation

  • Why Shaa’s top advice is to hire a cleaner

  • The importance of understanding your point and why always chasing more doesn’t necessarily lead to happiness

  • Why Shaa regrets not pursuing a career as a sports agent

  • Why entrepreneurs have to overcome feeling uncomfortable in the pause

  • How entrepreneurs use continuous momentum as a coping mechanism

  • The commonality of self-sabotage in business and why it appears so often

  • Why Shaa started Freedom Media Collective

  •  How to do what you love while having a great life

  • Finding the right business model for you

  • Why what you take home is more important than your turnover

  • The detrimental effects of ‘Bro’ marketing in today’s age

  • The importance of creating generational wealth to pass on

  • Fostering equity and equality in business

  • How financial freedom allows you to speak your truth

  • How self-belief helps to create empowerment

  •  Why financial empowerment for women is important today

  • How Shaa is helping women move toward being financially independent

  • Creating a level playing field through financial empowerment

  • How to have the right mindset for success as an entrepreneur

  • Why you should be building a community and accepting help

  • Blending family life and business by prioritizing what is important day to day

What it means to be a wild woman:

“Being able to rock-up 100% authentically as yourself every day on every platform, with authenticity and no doubt.”

-Shaa Wasmund



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#47. How to Launch a Sustainable & Ethical Fashion Brand with Shannon Lohr