#58. How To Buy Back Your Time Using Automation with Andrea Moxham

SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify | Download | Duration: 44:14

“As your business grows you can only wear so many hats. At some point people and technology need to take over. Automation is super important in terms of manual tasks that we may not even realize we’re doing.”

- Andrea Moxham

Hey you wild women!

My next guest is the Founder of Horseshoe + Co, a Platinum HubSpot Solutions Partner, inbound marketing extraordinaire, entrepreneur, speaker, compassionate country-gal, and mother. Determined to live life by her own design, she launched Horseshoe + co on a mission to guide businesses to greatness with the power of HubSpot.

From her keen eye for analytics to her fuss-free marketing solutions, clients praise Andrea’s multi-faceted capabilities and confident execution. Offering functional strategies and customized deliverability, she makes inbound marketing a breeze. Guided by a fearless and future-focused approach, she’s willing to break the mold to get results.                                                              

Devoted to her client’s success, Andrea is ready to tackle HubSpot projects of all kinds: including marketing automation, workflows, templates, emails, live chat configurations, HubSpot COS design, and more. As a Canadian HubSpot partner, Horseshoe + co harnesses Andrea’s exceptional marketing expertise and business-building know-how.

In This Episode, You Will Learn About:

  • Why the quote ‘your lack of planning doesn’t constitute my emergency’ resonates with Andrea.

  • Setting client boundaries from the beginning.

  • How Andrea learned to specialize in her field.

  • The importance of delegating to grow your business and save you time.

  • Shifting towards value-based pricing.

  • Marketing yourself as a time saver that will make the client’s life easier.

  • Why Andrea started Horseshoe and Co.

  • Learning how to monetize your motivation.

  • Why Andrea partnered with HubSpot and how it squares up to other platforms.

  • Niching down and learning to define what yours is.

  • How creating your niche attracts an audience.

  • Why automation is so important to businesses.

  • Improving your productivity through automation.

  • Using automation to set benchmarks and track metrics.

  • The common mistakes people make when using HubSpot.

  • The importance of using your tools to their full capacity.

  • How Andrea learned to delegate fully in 2020.

  • Actionable steps you can take to start automation. 

What it means to be a WILD woman:

“It’s confidence. If you’re confident, you have the ability to do anything, you have the ability to go wild, be wild. Without confidence, I think you’re living small and you’re never going to be able to be wild. I really think it comes down to being confident in who you are and what you provide, especially as an entrepreneur.”

- Andrea Moxham

Public Shoutouts:



#59. Dying To Be a Good Mother with Heather Chauvin


#57. Establishing Authority While Being a Badass Mama with Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge