#28. The Due Diligence of Starting a Business with April MacKinnon

SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify | Download | Duration: 46:12

Hey you wild women!

Joining me today is April MacKinnon, an amazing entrepreneur and owner of Anointment Natural Skin Care. She stumbled upon a great business, bought it, and realized very quickly her lack of due diligence. A major lesson learned, but after years in business, she has found her footing and has an incredible product line.

April spends her spare time researching clinical herbal medicine and advanced skincare formulation to help her enrich her business and the lives of her customers. Her goal? To have the well-being needs of women met while they are transitioning through motherhood and family life.

In This Episode, You Will Learn About:

  • Learning to adapt to quick changes in the market

  • Not knowing what you don’t know: The need for due diligence when starting a business

  • Learning to lead with your heart

  • Overcoming the masculine energy involved in business

  • Understanding regulatory bodies

  • The danger of assuming something is being done right

  • How April started two businesses at the same time with two children at home

  • Learning the ropes: How her background in engineering benefitted her shift to skincare

  • Using plants as medicine

  • The shift to going beyond mainstream wellness

  • Reflecting and dealing with stress in a productive way

  • If you can’t learn from your mistakes, you can’t succeed

  • Understanding that no one is immune to failure

  • Rebranding; How April made Anointment her own

  • The importance and process of refining your message

  • How COVID-19 has impacted her business

  • Adapting to a smaller team

  • Growing during a pandemic

  • How being forced online has changed her perspective on eCommerce

  • Overcoming inadvertent psychological barriers to online business

  • Fostering authenticity with your customers

  • Pricing strategies


Public Shout Outs:

What it means to be a WILD woman:

‘The freedom to leave a career that is stable and lucrative to pursue risk with the promise of freedom over my own time.’ ~ April MacKinnon


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