#38. Sleep Training Game Changers: For your business and your baby with Dana Obleman

“All it takes is a failure is not an option kind of attitude. It's all about the mindset” - Dana Obleman

SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify | Download | Duration: 46:05

My next guest is Dana Obleman, the sleep guru. She is someone that has personally changed my life in helping me sleep train my kids so that I can GROW my business.

She has one degree in Psychology and another in Education and has presented her methods to pediatricians at one of the country’s biggest universities, and has been featured on CNN, The Washington Post, Today’s Parent, The Huffington Post, and WebMD. More than 109,000 parents have used her program, The Sleep Sense Program, to get their children sleeping through the night.

I can’t say enough about how her work has helped and inspired thousands of other parents live a more restful life.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Dana's favorite quote "she believed she could so she did."

  • The best advice was to find people that could help her grow her business quickly

  • To run your business as its YOUR business. You do get to call the shots

  • How to get over that voice in your head is to have unwavering faith in yourself

  • Started the Sleep Sense Program after her first son was born and struggled so hard after sleepless nights

  • That market validation for your idea can be as simple as creating a product/service that has changed your life

  • Why it’s important to create good sleep habits even as an adult

  • To stop rescuing your child in helping them go to sleep

  • That creating new revenue streams come from customer's needs

  • That woman need to put themselves first more often

  • The common sleep training mistakes parents make

What it means to be a wild woman:

“Wild women prioritize themselves.” ~Dan Obleman



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